Friday, July 10, 2009

Charity.. noble act ???

What is charity? many people speak of charity as a noble deed that helps others and is beneficial to the community in particular and the society in general.

But how far is it genuinely beneficial? and is it really noble?We have been brainwahed from our childhood about how we should all involve in and encourage the system of charity, and thus "give back" to the society

We conveniently have forgotten how to think and reason. Why is charity noble? Is it because it helps a poor person or is it because it reduces one's so called EVIL wealth??
When you contribute to charity, you are actually feeding or rather even making parasites, who are far from worthy, and money is not evil. its lack is the root of evil, as someone rightly said.

Money is a noble idea of exchange, and of respect and recognition for a person's ability.
But charity is feeding and appreciating a persons inability and destroying his already maimed conscience. He loses his interest to work for his own sustenance.
Every man is born with an ability to think,reasin and introspect, and everybody should recognize this. By donating money to a person, are we not killing his ability to create more wealth for himself and his family?Are we not sowing the seed of disease in a healthy conscience?? IS this sin or nobility?
It is okay to help a person with a disability ( physical or mental), but only mentally disabled persons qualify for charity,as they are lacking in our gift to think.Even physically challenged people can fend for themselves though they deserve a support to start. We in our selfishness to look noble and cleanse your sins donate to them and kill their soul.
So, with all these reasons, if people still cant stop thinking of charity as a noble deed, we must include them in the category who cant think.


  1. I'm interested to know what urged you to write about Charity.

    Well.. i liked your blog for sure. True charity cannot be for the SAKE OF CHARITY.Giving away money or kind to the financially poor is only a way to gain "Blessings". This way we would be actually pushing them towards more darkness. Frankly, many schemes and reservations by the govt are also disguised Charity work by them. It makes the society more handicapped.

  2. you are right the very concept of a reservation is a contradiction and a disgusting thing..
    what prompted me was a charity which my grandmother recently did.. she paid the shirdi sai baba trust hyderabad to feed the needy and i saw that most of these needy were able bodied beggars.. also, i saw some movoe highlighting charity that disgusted me :)

  3. charity doesnt directly take u to donating money or materials to some one. it is indeed a noble act. but the way this charity is going is the thing to be worried about. i agree with u when u speak about things related to persons who are really capable of earning or feeding themselves but when it comes to case of people who are truly in need charity comes into picture and then it is called a noble act. providing education is charity. helping them find a job is charity. as a matter of fact giving them atleast moral support to live their life is charity. no material matters or the evil wealth according to u is involved. charity does exist and as the other side of the coin i do agree with u wen it comes to feeding the parasites..i love the sentence..

  4. when it comes to reservations u hav completely come out of ur topic..reservations ar no way connected to charity .

